
I am not a Hollywood insider, an Illuminati defector or a Monarch victim. My knowledge is derived solely from studies of the CIA mind programs, the main sources of transference between US secret intelligence communities and Hollywood, and what little is known about Monarch from declassified or leaked information.

I am, however, a student of the science behind Monarch, behaviorism, and a practitioner of the technology behind Monarch, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) on the highest possible level.

My goal is to inform on a wide scale about the level and depth and width of mind control utilized by Hollywood as one of the major agencies of "Illuminati", the second being the music industry embodied in MTV and the Big Five.

Information that can be applied on a practical level by individuals will, for safety reasons, be scarce and distributed evenly across the articles on this site, so only those with the purpose and stamina to chew their way through the lengthy content can derive benefit.

It is probably prudent to add that analysis of individual films are not necessarily a denunciation of every aspect of the movie as a cultural product. Code fragments are frequently installed against the wishes of creative artists like the script writer or director.


  1. Wonderful work. I've been learning quite a lot from your insight and research. Hopefully, you plan on continuing by updating this blog very soon. Peace to you. ~ Jason

  2. Great stuff. I've always wondered though, what percentage of actors and actresses suffer from monarch induced DID. And those who are not programmed, are they too scared to drop hints to the public because they'll get whacked? It would seem almost impossible for one working in the industry not to recognize the pervasiveness of CIA/Military/Illuminati interference.

    And what's with all the brilliantly orchestrated synchronicities (ritual deaths, mass psy-op operations) they pull off. Seems almost impossible that a paranormal or inter-dimensional element isn't involved some how. Just wish I could find more information on how the illuminati pull-off such massive operations, how each level operates.

    Anywho, great blog. Keep up the good work. And hope you make more posts in the future.

    Best regards.

  3. Thanks for the info and carry on the good work.

    1. Very strange username, probably "randomly" generated, I never chose that. Oh well ignore that and once again thanks.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. what, no contact?

    where did you source the epsilon info. > ?
